
这是 脚本对话框 的一个示例;它实现了 脚本对话框 部分开始时所示的对话框。它利用了“标签页控件”来托管两个子对话框,并且还演示了如何向“列表框”控件添加和删除字符串。

标签页控件 已被配置为托管两个子对话框;“兴趣”和“喜欢的书”。单击标签页可以让您在这两页中来回切换。

对话框的大多数控件实际上并未执行任何操作——只有“喜欢的书”标签页已经实现。如果您切换到该标签页,可以在“输入标题”字段中输入一个字符串,然后单击 添加 按钮将其添加到列表中。单击列表中的一个项目并单击 删除 按钮以将其移除。


如果您想尝试此示例,创建新的工具栏按钮(类型为脚本函数)并将脚本代码粘贴到命令编辑器的 脚本代码 标签页中,将资源 XML 粘贴到 资源 标签页中。以下所有示例均使用 VBScript 编写。


Function OnClick(ByRef clickData)

Set dlg = DOpus.Dlg
dlg.window = clickData.func.sourcetab
dlg.template = "person"
dlg.detach = true

Set msg = dlg.GetMsg()

Select Case msg.control

Case "add"

' get the string the user has entered
str = dlg.Control("title", "books").value
if Len(str) > 0 Then
' add to the list box and clear the edit field
dlg.Control("books", "books").AddItem(str)
dlg.Control("title", "books").value = "" 
End If 
Case "del"
' get the selection from the list box
sel = dlg.Control("books", "books").value
if sel > -1 Then 
' remove it from the list
dlg.Control("books", "books").RemoveItem(sel)

End If 
End Select 
Loop While msg 
End Function


<resource name="books" type="dialog">
<dialog fontsize="8" height="100" lang="english" resize="yes"
title="Favorite Books" width="180">
<control height="83" name="books" resize="wh" type="listbox" width="176"
x="2" y="2" />
<control halign="left" height="12" name="title" resize="yw"
tip="Enter title and press Add" type="edit" width="101" x="2" y="86" />
<control height="12" name="add" resize="xy" title="Add" type="button"
width="34" x="106" y="86" />
<control height="12" name="del" resize="xy" title="Delete" type="button"
width="35" x="143" y="86" />
<resource name="interests" type="dialog">
<dialog fontsize="8" height="100" lang="english" resize="yes"
title="Interests" width="180">
<control halign="left" height="96" multiline="yes" name="interests"
readonly="yes" resize="wh" title="Nothing here yet :)\n" type="edit"
width="176" x="2" y="2" />
<resource name="person" type="dialog">
<dialog fontsize="8" height="201" lang="english" resize="yes"
standard_buttons="ok,cancel" title="Personal Information" width="153">
<control halign="left" height="8" name="static1" title="Name:" type="static"
width="21" x="11" y="7" />
<control halign="left" height="12" name="name" tip="Enter your name"
type="edit" width="106" x="39" y="6" />
<control halign="left" height="8" name="static2" title="Age:" type="static"
width="15" x="17" y="21" />
<control halign="center" height="12" name="age" number="yes"
title="Edit Control" type="edit" updown="yes" val_max="50" val_min="10"
width="42" x="39" y="20" />
<control halign="left" height="8" name="static3" title="Sex:" type="static"
width="14" x="18" y="38" />
<control height="10" name="f" title="Female" type="radio" width="34"
x="39" y="37" />
<control height="10" name="m" title="Male" type="radio" width="26"
x="39" y="47" />
<control height="10" name="o" title="Other" type="radio" width="29"
x="39" y="57" />
<control halign="left" height="8" name="static4" title="Country:"
type="static" width="27" x="5" y="76" />
<control height="40" name="country" type="combo" width="104" x="39" y="75">
<item text="Australia" />
<item text="UK" />
<item text="USA" />
<item text="Spain" />
<item text="France" />
<item text="Germany" />
<item text="China" />
<item text="Japan" />
<control height="84" name="tab1" resize="wh" type="tab" width="138"
x="7" y="94">
<tab dialog="interests" />
<tab dialog="books" />
