
The Command object is used by a script to run Opus commands. Any command that you can run from a button or hotkey you can run from a script - a script can even run commands added by other scripts. Fundamentally, using the Command object is similar to configuring an Opus button. You add one or more command lines to the object just the same as you add one or more command lines to a button's function. You can tell it which files and folders to act upon, and you can use the various methods and properties of the object to modify the behavior of the command. Once the object has been initialized you can use the Run or RunCommand methods to invoke the command.

A Command object can be created by the DOpusFactory.Command method. By default, this object has no source, destination, files to operate on, etc. - you must use the appropriate methods to configure the command before running it. You can also retrieve a Command object from the Func.command property, and in this case the source, destination, files to operate on and several other properties are pre-initialized for you.
