Highlights Page 4
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New movie player based on modern APIs:
If you don't see the new player for a video, grab the appropriate codec from Microsoft:
HEVC Video Extensions (only use if above not available)
Alternatively, DirectShow codecs like LAV Filters are also supported
Can go full-screen from preview pane, and also plays audio files with cover art:
(Check your AVIF works in Windows Photos first, as it may need to download a codec from Microsoft.)
New UI, with support for presets, which save the whole dialog's setup:
Overhauled display of video metadata, now using MediaInfo:
Support for ID3v2 tags in WAV files:
Separate options to auto-play/mute video and audio files:
Microsoft Edge can be used for Web and SVG content in the preview pane:
Edge (and other viewers) can also be used for PDF:
Turn a second monitor into a full-screen preview pane, with Lister-Linked viewers:
Full-screen viewer includes buttons to move to another monitor (click top of screen for toolbar):
Push F3 to cycle black and white backgrounds:
Go to image GPS coordinates via configurable mapping services:
Hold Space while selecting to move the start point:
Support for DirectDraw Surface (DDS) images:
Support for AVIF (AV1) images:
Access presets directly from the file display:
Custom sizes can be added so you don't have to type them each time:
Crop batches of files:
Lossless JPEG rotation isn't new, but can now be turned off in the UI, allowing you to force recompression (e.g. for smaller files):
Selected and total duration now on the default status bar when similar columns in use, without triggering calculation when not.
Option for decimal GPS input:
Options for handling of changes to multi-value fields, and pop-up suggestions based on previous tags:
Music Genre list can be edited: