Filters and Find

You can use the evaluator with filters (including the Find tool) in several ways:

  • In the filter control you can define a textual filter, and this uses the evaluator if it begins with =.

  • Similarly, various commands let you define a textual filter from the command line (e.g. Find FILTERDEF), and these use the evaluator if they begin with =.

  • If the search field is set to use Opus Find, you can enter an evaluation expression into it directly, beginning with a =.

  • (Opus 13.3.4 and above) Quick filters (via the Filter Bar or FAYT field) can run evaluator code directly, and they can also invoked pre-defined filters and pass arguments to them if they use evaluator code.

The evaluation expression can be called in one of three modes:

  • Filter mode: In this mode, the evaluation expression will be invoked once per file or folder to determine whether they match or are rejected by the filter.

  • Recurse mode: In this mode, the expression will be invoked to determine whether the operation should recurse into that folder.

  • Quick filter mode: The expression is invoked once per file or folder to determine if it should be shown in the file display or not.

The special variables subfolder and quick_filter tell you which mode the expression is being called for. Handling recurse mode (when subfolder is true) is optional - if the expression never queries the value of the subfolder value, Opus will simply recurse into all subfolders and won't call you in that mode again.

The variables available to the evaluator in this context are:


column name


All the column keywords are available as variables in this evaluation context.

Note that some keywords may use characters like a : that aren't valid in variable names - to access them, use the val function.



Returns the full name of the file the filter is being run for. This may be different from file which (as a column keyword), returns the value of the Name column (which e.g. may have file extensions hidden).



In quick filter mode, this returns the value of the argument string that follows the pre-defined filter name in the quick filter. For example a quick filter of ?bigfiles:5 would invoke a filter called "bigfiles", and (if it was an evaluation filter) pass it the value "5" in this variable.



Returns true if the expression is being run for a folder, false if it's being run for a file.



In quick filter mode, returns true if the "any word" option is enabled.



In quick filter mode, returns true if the "ignore diacritics" option is enabled.



In quick filter mode, returns true if the "partial match" option is enabled.



In quick filter mode, returns true if the "regular expression" option is enabled.



Returns true if the expression is being called for a quick filter.



Returns true if the expression is being called in recurse mode.

The return value from the evaluation expression depends on the mode it was called in, although in all cases it must return a bool:

  • In Filter mode it should return true if the item matches the filter, or false if it doesn't match.

  • In Recurse mode it should return true if Opus should recurse into the folder, or false if it should skip over it.

  • In Quick filter mode it should return true if the item should be shown, or false if it shoudl be hidden.
