Default Toolbars & Menus
The Customize dialog's Default Toolbars tab (discussed above) provides a way to highlight new commands. (See .)
If you have custom toolbars and don't want to reset them, you can drag individual items out of the Default Toolbars tab.
Middle-click to open in a new tab:
Most buttons which go to folders now support middle-click to open in a new tab.
If a tab for the folder already exists, it will be activated instead of opening a new tab, unless it is already the active tab, in which case a second tab for it will open.
Similarly, right-click opens a context menu for the target folder.
This functionality automatically applies to any simple button which runs (or generates) a command to go to a specific path.
Includes the Up (Parent), Back and Forward buttons.
Includes Favorites, Recent, Drive Buttons, and menus generated via "Go FOLDERCONTENTS".
Does not include commands that use conflicting arguments like MULTIFUNC, NEW, NEWTAB, etc.
Does not include "three-Buttons", which have explicit middle-click or right-click actions.
"Menu" toolbar:
Edit > Copy Other > Checksums -- Now a submenu, and includes the BLAKE3 algorithm.
Edit > Calculate BLAKE3 Checksums -- Calculates and shows BLAKE3 hashes in the file display.
Edit > Select Other > Select Empty Folders.
Edit > Select Other > Select Zero-Byte Folders.
Edit > Select Other > Select Expanded Folder Items -- After expanding one or more folders, use this to select everything below them. (See Expandable Folders under .)
Edit > Select Other > Select Duplicates -- The same as the "Select" button. Useful if the panel is hidden.
Tools > Find Presets -- A list of your Find presets, plus commands to find empty folders in or below the current directory.
Tools > Convert Images > Save As -- Now includes any defined image conversion presets.
Settings > Toolbars > Choose Location Bar Toolbars -- Shortcut to the corresponding Preferences page.
Settings > Scripts -- Opens dialog for managing scripts. The new can be opened from there.
Settings > Install Script -- Easier way to install scripts (e.g. from the forum).
Settings > Set Lister Defaults -- New name for "Set Default Lister", with extended functionality. (Old command still works.)
Settings > Dark Mode -- Toggles between dark and light modes.
View > Details + Thumbnails (and similar top-level icon):
Now disabled in Shell folders where it won't work.
Default button code updated to scale thumbnail size with DPI.
Folder > Folder Format -- Used to be named "Folder Options".
Folder > Expandable Folders -- Toggles the ability to use Expandable Folders. Turning them off saves a little space.
Folder > Expand/Collapse All Folders -- Expands all folders immediately below the current directory. Collapses them if they're all already expanded.
Folder > Friendly Dates -- Allows you to turn friendly dates ("Today", "Monday", etc.) on and off without opening Preferences.
Folder > Full-Row Selection -- Now toggles between full-row and full-width-of-name-column selection modes.
Lister > Favorites Bar -- Toggles the new Favorites Bar. Ctrl+Shift+B hotkey.
Viewer Pane -- Button now has a right-click action which opens a Lister-Linked viewer. (See .)
"Operations" toolbar:
Copy Files > Duplicate to Dated Names -- Similar to "Duplicate", but automatically appends the current date and time to the new copies, without prompting.
Copy Files > Copy Settings -- Shortcut to the corresponding Preferences page.
New Folder > Move to New Folder -- Prompts for a name and moves all selected items into a new sub-folder.
New Folder > Move to Dated Folder -- Moves all selected items into a new sub-folder with YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS name for natural sorting. (Not technically new, but in a new place.)
Delete > Empty Recycle Bin -- Empties the Recycle Bin.
Delete > Secure Empty Recycle Bin -- Does a multi-pass "secure" erase of the Recycle Bin.
Delete > Enable Recycle Bin -- Toggles whether the Recycle Bin is used within Opus.
Delete > Enable Recycle Confirmation -- Toggles confirmation prompts when deleting to the Recycle Bin.
Delete > Delete Settings -- Shortcut to the corresponding Preferences page.
Slideshow > Open Linked Viewer -- Alternative way to open a Lister-Linked viewer.
Help > Video Tutorials -- Links to the Directory Opus YouTube channel.
Help > Submit Crash Logs -- Lets you send crash logs for problem reports.
"Favorites Bar" toolbar:
Entirely new toolbar listing favorites, similar to the Bookmarks Bar in most web browsers.
Folders can be dragged to the toolbar, without having to enter Customize mode first.
Sub-menus for other favorites and Quick Access locations, including drive letters and special folders like Recycle Bin.
"File Display" toolbar:
When the Favorites Bar is on, the File Display toolbar's Favorites icon/menu is hidden. It will reappear automatically if the Favorites Bar is then turned off.
Home button (see for details).
"Images" toolbar:
Convert -- Button-menu now includes any defined image conversion presets.
"Viewer" toolbar:
File > Link to Lister Selection -- Toggles the viewer's Lister-Linked state. (See .)
File > Locate Image -- Menu of online GPS mapping services.
View > Background Color -- Menu for changing the viewer's background. Useful for images with transparency.
View > Picture Frame -- Toggle the viewer's picture frame, without going to Preferences.
View > Previous Monitor -- Move the viewer to the previous display.
View > Next Monitor -- Move the viewer to the next display.
The top-level Next and Previous buttons have updated commands which mark the current picture first if pushed with Ctrl.
There are also new top-level buttons to toggle Lister-Linked, and (if fullscreen) move to other monitors.
Context menus:
Context menus that contain "Open Containing Folder" now include a second "...in New Tab" option. (Removed unnecessary "open container in tabs" setting.)
The "Column Header" context menu has several changes to support new grouping and column-freezing functionality. We recommend resetting your copy to the defaults if they are missing.
"Folder Tabs" context menu is new. This used to be a hardcoded menu and can now be edited.