In a toolbar or menu button, you can use the @color modifier to set the text and background colors of the button dynamically using the evaluator.
As a very basic example, @color:=text="#000000"; back="#ff0000";
would set the text color to black and the background color to red.
To specify separate colors for light and dark modes, you could use something like this:
@color:=SysInfo("DarkMode") ? { text="#ff0000"; back="#ffff00"; } : { text="#0000ff"; back="#00ffff"; }
The SysInfo function can also be useful for testing global properties, like whether Opus is in dark or light mode.
The evaluator clause should set the value of the text
and back
variables. You can specify either a hex color string ("#RRGGBB") or decimal color string ("RRR,GGG,BBB"). You can also return "default" to get the button's defaults, or "none" to get the toolbar's defaults.