
This page contains general options related to the location bar.

  • Align other panel headings with the Location Bar: Resizes other inline headings to be the same height as the location bar (which is often slightly higher than normal). Note that this option is disabled if you select more than one toolbar for the location bar.

  • Close button: Displays a close button at the end of the border that allows the tab or file display to be closed.

    • Close only closes active tab: Clicking the close button will close the current tab, but other tabs will be unaffected. The file display will only close when the last tab closes.

  • File display Copy and Swap buttons: Enables additional buttons in the border that let you copy one file display to another (puts the Lister into dual mode if it isn't already), or swap the position of the two file displays (when already in dual mode).

  • Horizontal/vertical Layout button: Adds a button to toggle file displays between horizontal and vertical layout.

  • Icon: Displays a Directory Opus icon at the left of the border. This icon allows you to create a shortcut to the current folder by drag-and-drop, and you can right-click it to display the context menu for the folder.

  • Left-click on destination Location Bar elements: In a dual-display Lister, this controls whether clicking on the location bar that's currently the destination switches it to be the source or not.
