Search Field

Search Field

  • The search field, normally at the Lister's top right, now supports multiple methods:

    • Windows Search -- As in Opus 12.

    • Everything search -- If Voidtools Everything (see separate section) is installed, you can use it for an indexed search on the current folder.

    • Global Everything search -- Similar to Everything search, but searches all indexed folders on the entire machine.

    • Opus search -- You can now use Opus's own Find Files functionality from the Search Field, without opening the larger Find panel:

      • If a plain string or a wildcard is entered, it will be treated as a wildcard name match.

      • If a string beginning with = is entered, it'll be processed by the Evaluator and can perform more complex queries (e.g. =size>100kb).

  • Click the magnifying glass icon on the left to open a menu where you can change search engine.

  • The menu for changing search engines also lets you configure various options for each one (e.g. case sensitive, partial match, content searching). Each search engine has slightly different options.

  • The last chosen search engine is remembered automatically.

    • You set the search field's arguments to (e.g.) everything to make it always switch to that mode in new windows.

  • Search field has a history menu on the right, with a Clear History option at the bottom of the menu.

  • Suggestions based on search history will appear as you type into the search field. (Add noautocomplete to the field's arguments if you don't like them appearing.)

  • Commands:

    • Find and similar commands let a search engine be specified and support options as part of the command line.

    • Example, Windows search: QUERYENGINE="windows,nqs,noautowildcard,nohistory"

    • Example, Everything: QUERYENGINE="everything,case,wholeword,regex,diacritics"

Next: find
