
The Toolbar internal command can be used to:

  • Open or close toolbars or toolbar sets

  • Open or close a floating toolbar, control its appearance and position on screen

  • Save a new set or modify the Default Toolbar Set

  • Import a toolbar into your configuration

  • Reset your toolbars to the defaults

Command Arguments:

Possible values




When opening a floating toolbar, specify this argument to dock the toolbar with the left edge of the screen. Combine with POS to control which monitor it docks on.

Example: Toolbar my_tools STATE=float APPBAR=left TOGGLE


Docks the toolbar with the top of the screen.

Example: Toolbar my_tools STATE=floatactive APPBAR=top


Docks the toolbar with the right of the screen.

Example: Toolbar my_tools FLOAT POS=1920,0 APPBAR=right


Docks the toolbar with the bottom of the screen.

Example: Toolbar my_tools STATE=float APPBAR=bottom


Undocks the toolbar if it is already docked.

Example: Toolbar my_tools FLOAT APPBAR=off POS=50,100



(no value)

Add this argument when opening a floating toolbar to make the toolbar close automatically after running a command. This lets you have a toolbar that can pop open (by key press for example), run a command and close automatically again, and saves having to add the Toolbar NAME=*this CLOSE command to all the buttons on the toolbar.

Example: Toolbar my_tools STATE=float AUTOCLOSE



(no value)

Closes the toolbar specified with the NAME argument. Note that NAME is the default argument for this command, the NAME keyword itself does not need to appear. The toolbar will be closed only in the current Lister unless LOCAL=no is also specified to close it globally.

Example: Toolbar Operations CLOSE


Closes all toolbars in the current Lister.

Example: Toolbar CLOSE=all



(no value)

Opens the toolbar as a floating toolbar. This is the equivalent of specifying STATE=float. Using the various arguments provides more control over the floating toolbar. If combined with the UPDATE argument you can make changes to already-open toolbars.

Example: Toolbar my_tools FLOAT TOGGLE


Opens the floating toolbar with the default appearance. If not specified (and no other arguments are specified), Opus will remember the toolbar's settings from the last time it was floated.

Example: Toolbar my_tools FLOAT=default


Activates the newly opened toolbar (equivalent to STATE=floatactive).

Example: Toolbar my_tools FLOAT=active


Lay the floating toolbar out vertically instead of horizontally.

Example: Toolbar my_tools FLOAT=vertical

**locked **

Lock the floating toolbar from being resized or moved.

Example: Toolbar my_tools FLOAT=vertical,locked POS=100,100


Set the floating toolbar to auto-hide when it is docked.

Example: Toolbar my_tools FLOAT=autohide APPBAR=bottom


Display the toolbar with rounded edges.

Example: Toolbar my_tools FLOAT=roundededges


Make all buttons in the floating toolbar the same size.

Example: Toolbar my_tools FLOAT=vertical,grid


Display the floating toolbar with a frame.

Example: Toolbar my_tools FLOAT=frame,roundededges


Display the floating toolbar with no frame.

Example: Toolbar my_tools FLOAT=noframe TOGGLE


Make the floating toolbar transparent.

Example: Toolbar my_tools FLOAT=noframe,transparent


Display the floating toolbar with the system taskbar theme.

Example: Toolbar my_tools FLOAT=taskbar,autohide


Display the floating toolbar using glass.

Example: Toolbar my_tools FLOAT=glass


Set the floating toolbar to appear in top of other Opus windows.

Example: Toolbar my_tools FLOAT=topopus


Set the floating toolbar to appear on top of all other windows.

Example: Toolbar my_tools FLOAT=toplevel


Enable hotkeys in the floating toolbar.

Example: Toolbar my_tools FLOAT=hotkeys



(no value)

When HEADING is used by itself, without specifying a text value, the main button's label text is used for the heading.

Example: Toolbar LIST=sets HEADING

<heading text>

You can specify the heading text if you want it to be different to the button's label.

Example: Toolbar LIST HEADING="Toolbars"



(no value)

Imports the toolbar specified with the NAME argument into your Opus configuration. For this command, NAME must specify the full path of the toolbar file to import. This would be most useful on the context menu for .dop (toolbar) files.

Example: Toolbar NAME {f} IMPORT




When opening a toolbar, specifies the toolbar line it is to appear on. The line number is given relative to the specified toolbar state. For example, when STATE is bottom, the line given is relative to the group of toolbars at the bottom of the Lister. <line> is counted from 0.

Example: Toolbar Operations LINE 1


Specifies both the line and the position of the new toolbar. This lets you open a toolbar on the same line as an existing toolbar. <position> is given as the number of pixels from the left (or top, for vertical toolbars) edge of the Lister window.

Example: Toolbar Images LINE 1,500



(no value)

Example: Toolbar LIST


Example: Toolbar LIST=sets


When a toolbar set is chosen from the generated list, it will be loaded in "add" mode - meaning the toolbars within it will be added to any currently open toolbars. This overrides the state of the option saved within the set itself.

Example: Toolbar LIST=sets,add


When a toolbar set is chosen from the generated list, it will be loaded in "replace" mode - meaning the toolbars within it will replace any currently open toolbars.

Example: Toolbar LIST=sets,replace


When a toolbar set is chosen from the generated list, it will turn off any previously loaded set, but leave the default toolbars unaffected. Selecting the set again will turn it off.

Example: Toolbar LIST=sets,toggle


When a toolbar set is chosen from the generated list, Opus will check the state of the Shift and Ctrl keys to determine the behaviour. Holding the Shift key will select "add" mode, and the Ctrl key will select "replace" mode.

Example: Toolbar LIST=sets,usekeys


Prevents the toolbar sets in the generated list from appearing "checked" when Opus considers they are currently active.

Example: Toolbar LIST=sets,add,nocontext



(no value)

Loads the set specified by the NAME argument. The default behaviour specified in the set ("add", "replace" or "toggle") will be used unless overridden.

Example: Toolbar my_set LOADSET


Adds the toolbars in the specified set to any currently open toolbars.

Example: Toolbar my_set LOADSET=add


Replaces any currently open toolbars with those in the specified set.

Example: Toolbar my_set LOADSET=replace


Turns off any previously loaded set, but leaves the default toolbars unaffected. If the specified set is already open it will be closed (so running the command twice has the effect of toggling the set on and off).

Example: Toolbar my_set LOADSET=toggle


Uses the state of the Shift and Ctrl keys to determine the behaviour when loading the set. Holding the Shift key will select "add" mode, and the Ctrl key will select "replace" mode.

Example: Toolbar my_set LOADSET=usekeys



(no value)

Opens a toolbar local to the current Lister. Note that as this is the default behaviour, specifying LOCAL or LOCAL=yes has no effect.

Example: Toolbar Images LOCAL


Opens the toolbar globally in all Listers.

Example: Toolbar Images LOCAL=no


<toolbar name>

Specifies the name of the toolbar - used in conjunction with the other arguments to open or close the specified toolbar. This is the default argument for the Toolbar command and so the NAME keyword does not need to be used, although it is still a good idea to do so. If no other arguments to the command are provided, the named toolbar will be turned on.

Example: Toolbar NAME="Images"


Makes the command apply to the current toolbar. When used from a toolbar button, the Toolbar command will apply to the toolbar the button is contained within.

Example: Toolbar NAME=*this CLOSE




Specifies the on-screen position when opening a floating toolbar. The position is given relative to the top-left corner of the primary display monitor. This can also be used to control which monitor a docked toolbar appears on (by combining it with the APPBAR argument).

Example: Toolbar Applications STATE=float POS 1200,80


The floating toolbar will appear centered over the current position of the mouse pointer.

Example: Toolbar LauncherBar STATE=float POS=mouse


The floating toolbar is left-aligned with the position of the mouse pointer.

Example: Toolbar Images STATE=float POS=mousel TOGGLE


The floating toolbar is right-aligned with the mouse pointer.

Example: Toolbar Applications STATE=float POS=mouser



(no value)

Resets the toolbars to the factory defaults. All existing toolbars will be closed, the default toolbars will be reset, and then only those toolbars will be opened.

If you have made changes to the default toolbars those changes will be lost, but none of your other toolbars will be affected (other than being turned off if they were open when the command was run).

Example: Toolbar RESETDEFAULTS


Note that if neither the stateonly nor nolister arguments are provided, then fdb is implied (i.e. Toolbar RESETDEFAULTS by itself resets the location bar toolbar as well as the main Lister toolbars).

Example: Toolbar RESETDEFAULTS=nolister,fdb


By default all Lister toolbars are reset; use this in conjunction with fdb and viewer to only reset those toolbars.

Example: Toolbar RESETDEFAULTS=fdb,nolister,stateonly


Doesn't modify the toolbars themselves - instead, only the current set of toolbars is reset to the defaults. Any toolbars you have created yourself will be closed and the default set of toolbars displayed, but any modifications you have made to the default toolbars will be unaffected.

Example: Toolbar RESETDEFAULTS=stateonly


Suppresses the confirmation prompt before resetting the toolbars.

Example: Toolbar RESETDEFAULTS=quiet


Example: Toolbar RESETDEFAULTS=nolister,viewer



(no value)

Example: Toolbar SAVESET


Saves the toolbar set in "add" mode.

Example: Toolbar SAVESET=add


Saves the toolbar set in "toggle" mode.

Example: Toolbar SAVESET=toggle


Suppresses the confirmation prompt when saving over an existing toolbar set.

Example: Toolbar my_set SAVESET=toggle,quiet



(no value)

Saves the toolbars in the current Lister as the Default Toolbar Set.

Example: Toolbar SETDEFAULT


Suppresses the confirmation prompt before saving the set.

Example: Toolbar SETDEFAULT=quiet




Opens the specified toolbar at the top of the Lister. This is the default behaviour for this command.

Example: Toolbar Applications STATE=top


Opens the toolbar at the bottom of the Lister. These toolbars appear at the very bottom of the window, underneath all other Lister elements.

Example: Toolbar Images STATE=bottom TOGGLE


Opens the toolbar at the bottom of the file display(s). Similar to bottom but will not extend left under the leftmost folder tree.

Example: Toolbar Images STATE=fdbottom TOGGLE


Opens the toolbar at the left of the Lister. These toolbars appear vertically at the very left edge of the window.

Example: Toolbar Drives STATE=left


Opens the toolbar at the right of the Lister. These toolbars appear vertically at the very right edge of the window.

Example: Toolbar Drives STATE=right LINE=1 TOGGLE


Example: Toolbar Drives STATE=center TOGGLE


Opens the toolbar between the file displays and the viewer pane, when the viewer pane is at the right of the Lister. If the viewer pane is not open, or is at the bottom of the window, this value behaves the same as right.

Example: Toolbar Applications STATE=viewpane


Opens the toolbar between the left file display and the folder tree.

Example: Toolbar Drives STATE=tree


Floats the toolbar. You can specify the position of the floating toolbar with the POS argument.

Example: Toolbar Applications STATE=float TOGGLE


Floats the toolbar and makes it active. This can be used to open a toolbar and have it take input focus so you can open its drop-down menus from the keyboard.

Example: Toolbar Tools STATE=floatactive POS=0,0


Example: Toolbar my_fdb STATE=fdb



(no value)

Toggles the toolbar specified with the NAME argument. If the toolbar is not currently opened it will be opened, otherwise it will be closed.

Example: Toolbar Operations TOGGLE LINE=1



(no value)

Updates an existing floating toolbar with new appearance and position values. If the toolbar is not currently opened it will be opened using the defined appearance.

Example: Toolbar my_tools FLOAT=glass POS=50,50 UPDATE
