
You may have noticed in the section on Script dialogs that scripts can have “resources” associated with them. This is XML-formatted data that provides resources to the script but doesn’t actually form part of the script code.

Defining resources

There are two ways a script can define resources:

  • Script resources can be included at the end of the script code itself. A separator line marks the boundary between script code and resources, like this:

    If BlahBlah Then
    BlahBlah Blah
    End If
    <resource name="blah1" type="dialog">
    <dialog blah blah>
    <resource name="blah2" type="dialog">
    <dialog blah blah>
    <resource type="strings">
    <strings lang="blah">
    <string id="blah" text="Blah!" />

    Everything before the line ==SCRIPT RESOURCES is considered part of the script code, and everything after it is the XML-formatted resources.

  • Script resources can be loaded from an external file, or a raw XML string, using the Script.LoadResources method. Note that if the script is included in a package the resource file must have .odxml as a file extension.

Resource types

There are two types of script resource currently in use, dialogs and strings. You generally don't need to edit the resources directly:

  • In the script editor, resources are edited graphically using either the dialog or string editors and the XML definitions are hidden

  • In the button editor, the resource definitions are split out onto a separate tab to make it easier to work with. You can edit dialogs using the GUI editor - only string resources in a button need to be edited as XML.
