View Mode Toolbars

This page lets you configure a toolbar or toolbar set that will be turned on automatically whenever a file display is set to the specified view mode.

By default Opus uses this to show the Images toolbar whenever the file display is in Thumbnails mode. For each display mode, you can select a toolbar or toolbar set that's displayed automatically when that mode is selected. Toolbar sets are indicated in the drop-down list by an icon to distinguish them from toolbars. If you select a toolbar (rather than a set), you can also choose where in the Lister it should appear.

The automatically triggered toolbar or set will be turned off again automatically if you change to another mode.

In a dual-display Lister, the toolbar for a particular mode will be displayed when either file display is in that mode. If instead you want the toolbar to be shown only when the source file display is in that mode, turn off the In a dual-display Lister, activate toolbar when either file display is in that mode option.
