The DOpusFactory object is a helper object that you can use to create various other objects. Unlike the objects that represent existing things (e.g. Lister or Tab), the objects created by DOpusFactory are independent objects that you can instantiate whenever you need their functionality. The DOpusFactory object is obtained via the DOpus.Create method.
Method Name
Return Type
none or <int:size> or <byte, byte, ...> or <Blob:source>
Returns a new Blob object, that lets you access and manipulate a chunk of binary data from a script. If no parameters are given the new Blob will be empty - you can set its size using the resize method - otherwise you can specify the initial size as a parameter.
You can also create a Blob pre-filled with data by specifying the actual byte values (e.g. Blob(72,69,76,76,79)).
If another Blob (or an array - see the documentation on the Blob object for a discussion of this) is given then the new Blob will be created as a copy of the existing one.
Creates a new BusyIndicator object, that lets you control the breadcrumbs bar busy indicator from your script.
Creates a new Command object, that lets you run Opus commands from a script.
none or <variant:date> or JScript Date
Creates a new Date object. If a date value is provided the new object will be initialized to that value, otherwise the date will be set to the current local time. The provided value can be one of the following:
Another Date object
A string in the form "yyyymmdd"
A string in the form "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.mmm" (or part thereof)
A JScript Date object
A unix epoch time value (seconds since 1/1/1970).
none or <string>
Creates a new Filter object, which lets you control recursive filtering when running commands from scripts. You can optionally provide a textual filter string to initialise the filter with. Check the valid property of the new Filter object to find out whether this string was parsed successfully or not.
none or <variant:key>, <variant:value>...
Creates a new Map object. If no arguments are provided, the Map will be empty. Otherwise, the Map will be pre-initialized with the supplied key/value pairs.
//For example://
The individual keys and values can be different types.
none or <variant:key>, <variant:value>...
Creates a new OrderedMap object. This is identical to the Map object except that the order of items added to the map is preserved rather than being sorted alphabetically.
none or <string>, ...
Creates a new case-insensitive StringSet object. If no arguments are provided, the StringSet will be empty. Otherwise it will be pre-initialized with the supplied strings.
Creates a new StringTools object, that provides helper functions for string encoding and decoding.
none or variants...
Creates a new UnorderedSet object. If no arguments are provided the UnorderedSet will be empty. Otherwise it will be pre-initialized with the supplied elements.
You can also pass an array or Vector to initialise the set.
none or <int:elements> or variants... or object:vector or JScript Array
Creates a new Vector object.
If no arguments are provided, the Vector will be empty.
If a single integer argument is provided, the Vector will be pre-initialized to that number of elements.
You can also pass another Vector or a JScript array, or most enumerable objects, as the argument to initialise the new Vector with the contents of an existing collection.
If more than one argument is provided, the Vector will be pre-initialized with those elements; for example:
The individual elements can be different types.
If you want to create a Vector with just a single element, it is best to create an empty Vector and then add the element as a second step. Passing a single element during creation can have unexpected results, as it may be interpreted as one of the other cases. (Many of the scripting objects can be implicitly converted into integers or collections.)