Script Package

To make it easier to distribute your scripts to others, you can bundle one or more script add-ins in an archive called a Script Package (a zip file with the .osp suffix).

You can also include a set of icons that can provide the default icon images for any internal commands your scripts add.

To make a script package:

  • Create a Zip archive (leave its suffix as .zip for the moment).

  • Copy your script files (.js, .vbs, etc) into the archive.

  • When finished, rename the archive to give it a .osp suffix.

If you like you can add .osp to the list of recognized Zip file extensions on the Zip & Other Archives / Zip Files page in Preferences, to make script packages easier to deal with in Opus.

If you want to add icons that your scripts can refer to:

  • Create an icon set, following the specifications in the Icon Sets reference section. Do not zip this to a .dis file.

  • Create a sub-folder in the script package archive called icons.

  • Copy all the files of your icon set into the icons sub-folder.

In your scripts, you can use the icons in your icon set as the default toolbar button images for any internal commands you add, using the ScriptCommand.icon property.

Script packages can also include external script resource files. These must be XML files with the file extension .odxml. You can use the Script.LoadResources method in your script to load the script resource file from the package.
