
A theme is a subset of your Opus configuration containing just the color, font, and image settings. You can switch between different themes or share them with others.

To access the themes system, select the Colors and Fonts / Themes page in Preferences.

The Themes page displays a list of all themes you have installed. Initially your themes list will be empty - you can find themes to download on the Opus Resource Centre.

Applying themes

When you select a theme from the list and click the Apply button to apply it to your configuration, you can choose which aspects of the theme are applied - you don't have to apply all elements the theme provides.

The options when applying a theme are:

  • Directory Opus Colors: Colors from the Directory Opus Colors Preferences page. Affects colors of things Directory Opus draws itself.

  • Windows Colors: Colors from the Windows Colors Preferences page. Mainly affects Windows controls like buttons and listboxes.

  • Color Blending: Colors from the Color Blending page. Affects the way colors are blended together or over images.

  • Images: Background images for various user interface elements.

  • Fonts: Fonts from the fonts page.

You can also choose to make an automatic backup of your current settings when applying a theme.
